Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc
Signature Programs
Chair | Soror Stephanie Cousin
Co-Chair | Soror Jessietta Thomas
Co-Chair | Soror Teka Steptore-Smith
February C.L.A.S.S. Conference
"Catch the Dreams"
The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter through the Educational Development Programmatic Thrust creates a positive environment for growth and provides opportunities for youth to improve academically, personally, and socially through the three Signature Program youth initiatives: Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy; Delta G.E.M.S.; and E.M.B.O.D.I. Monthly workshops, often with guest speakers/experts, expose participants to options for future educational and career pathways. Youth receive information and practice skills that provide the resources needed to successfully move forward towards their goals. The Signature Programs youth initiatives allow participants to socialize with other future-focused peers and connect with adults who are invested in their success. Detailed information regarding each of the programs is found below.